About Us

What Does FRDC Do?

The Feather River Democratic Club, or FRDC, is an officially chartered club under both the Sutter County Democratic Central Committee and the Yuba County Central Democratic Committee. The FRDC is composed of registered Democratic voters in Sutter and Yuba counties, largely from the twin cities of Yuba City and Marysville that straddle the Feather River.

We engage voters in Sutter and Yuba counties to help elect Democratic candidates in contested races across Sutter and Yuba counties, the state, and the nation. We do this by coordinating with the Sutter and Yuba central Democratic committees and, through them, the state and national Democratic Party infrastructure, focusing on the following areas:

  • AWARENESS. We help elect local, state, and national Democratic candidates and pass relevant ballot measures by showing local residents how issues they care about are represented by these candidates and measures. We provide information on issues, voter guides of endorsed candidates aligned on key issues, phone banking, postcard mailings, live and virtual events where voters can connect with candidates, and other outreach programs. 
  • VOTER REGISTRATION. We work with our Democratic central committees to execute local voter registration campaigns throughout the year, showing how voting can help address the issues local voters care about. 
  • GET OUT THE VOTE. We work with our Democratic central committees to execute voter outreach, providing information on voting processes and locations as well motivating local Democrats to turn out to vote for each election cycle.  

Who We Are

Chinatown Marysville CaliforniaWe are long-time residents who are fed up with how things are going for our region. We are transplants who want a strong community. We live in Yuba City, Marysville, and other cities in Yuba and Sutter counties. We are retirees, students, and everything in between. We work at home, have local jobs, commute to another county, or devote our golden years to helping future generations.

Executive Committee/Officers

  • Chair – Pamela Sufi
  • Vice Chair – Tammy Massengale
  • Recording Secretary – Joene Tranter
  • Treasurer – Linda Hicks
  • Parliamentarian – Sharon Foote

Why “Feather River”?

 The Feather River is the principal tributary of the Sacramento River, winding through the Sacramento Valley of Northern California, including Marysville and Yuba City.

Sutter Butes Sutter County California

The river’s main stem is about 71 miles long. Its length to its most distant headwater tributary is about 220 miles. Its drainage basin is about 6,000 square miles. The main stem Feather River begins in Lake Oroville, where its four long tributary forks join together—the South Fork, Middle Fork, North Fork, and West Branch Feather Rivers. These and other tributaries drain part of the northern Sierra Nevada, and the extreme southern Cascades, as well as a small portion of the Sacramento Valley. The river’s drainage basin above Lake Oroville is 3,222 square miles, or about 83% of the whole.

The Feather River has a rich history of gold mining in the 19th century. It provides water to central and southern California, being the main source of water for the California State Water Project. Its water is also used for hydroelectricity generation.

The Feather is unique in that two of its tributaries, the North Fork and Middle Fork, originate east of the Sierra Nevada in the Diamond Mountains and breach the crest of the Sierras as they flow west.

Feather River Democratic Club Bylaws

Get the details by reading our bylaws.