Youth Voting

Take Action Now

If you’re not ready to join an organization but still want to help preserve American democracy and elect candidates or pass ballot initiatives that achieve your goals, there are still many things you can do.

Register to Vote

Don’t let the future happen without having a say! Register to vote.

Learn more about the election process with this First Time Voter Guide for College Students

Become a Poll Worker

Democracies depend on people electing their representative. But elections need regular people like you to ensure they work. County elections officials depend on reliable, dedicated teams of Poll Workers to make every Election Day run smoothly.  

Depending on where you live, you may be eligible for compensation (from $65 to $150). 

Visit to complete the poll worker application. It only takes 2-3 minutes!

Student Poll Workers

Even high school students can be poll workers. High school students are allowed one excused absence per year to attend a civic or political event, such as poll working. You just need to meet the following requirements:

  • Be a United States citizen or lawful permanent resident 
  • Be at least 16 years old on Election Day 
  • Attend a public or private high school 
  • Have at least 2.5 grade point average 
  • Get permission from parents and school

Learn more at this High School Poll Worker recruitment flyer (PDF)

Show Your Support

Buy gear from our online store and show the world what you believe in, democracy, voting rights, we have a wide selection to choose from. And be assured that all proceeds go towards electing candidates and passing ballot initiatives that reflect your values and goals. 


Don’t have time but want to help elect candidates and pass ballot measures that reflect your goals and values? Donate whatever you can.